Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research
The largest network of interculturalists in Poland

W obliczu dramatycznych wiadomości płynących od naszych sąsiadów z Ukrainy solidaryzujemy się z naszymi ukraińskimi przyjaciółmi. Wojna budzi tak dojmujące uczucie bezradności, a jednak najtrudniejsze to stracić wiarę w sens wszystkiego, bo przecież wierzymy, że jedną z najważniejszych rzeczy jest stan naszego umysłu. Gesty solidarności i otuchy mają tak mały zasięg w obliczu wojny, a jednocześnie są tak ważne dla wszystkich. Kto ratuje jedno życie ratuje cały świat.W geście solidarności oferujemy wsparcie dla Ukraińskich przyjaciół Sietar w ramach pomocy psychologicznej możecie się zgłaszać do psychoterapeutki Aleksandry Passendorfer.

In the current settings of dramatic messages from our neighbours in Ukraine, we express our solidarity with the Ukrainian members.

War awakens such an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, and yet the most difficult thing is to lose faith in everything because we believe that the highest thing is our state of mind. Gestures of solidarity and encouragement are so limited in promotion, and at the same time, they are so important to everyone. Whoever saves one life saves the whole world. As a gesture of solidarity, we offer psychological support for Ukrainian members of Sietar contact with our psychotherapist Aleksandra Passendorfer.

We promote interculturalism and the creative potential of diversity in social, business and educational spheres so as to contribute to sustainable peace and prosperity in the world.

We are guided by the values of respect, openness, transparency, and community. SIETAR Polska fosters and strengthens quality in the intercultural professions in Poland. We nurture a fertile environment for interculturalists in Poland. We actively contribute to a culture of openness and respect for diversity in Poland.

Our members are intercultural trainers, researchers, entrepreneurs, everybody interested in and passionate about intercultural topics. We connect Polish intercultural experts with a global community of interculturalists.

What do we do?

Find out more about our current initiatives!

What is SIETAR for our members?

“A place for people who are fascinated by intercultural communication and support diversity. This place is a community for mutual learning, networking and engagement in projects.”

Eileen Gricuk, PCC, ORSC

Leadership Coach and Group Facilitator

“A community in which I can look for inspiration, support, knowledge, fun:)”

Agnieszka Kotucz

Facilitator in global environment

“A group that I identify with, people whom I like (some of them became my close friends) and with whom I can talk about international communication issues.”

Julita Woźniak

Academic Teacher & Trainer

Join us!

If you are interested in intercultural differences, you are trying to understand the world and if you want to meet interesting people who share your passion, join us!